
CX_SECURITY_OPTIONS - Access rights to system options


Class hierarchy

This class is used to control the availability of certain options of the ClassiX® system.
The object provides 3 x 32 bits for this purpose. The following table shows the meaning of the bits assigned so far:

Data field Bit Relevance for no CX_SECURITY_OPTIONS object registered:
0 1
pattern1 0 ClassiX-Shell locked ClassiX-Shell can be started with Alt+right mouse button ClassiX-Shell can be started with Alt+right mouse button
1 ApplyUserRights locked ApplyUserRights allowed ApplyUserRights locked
2-31 free
pattern2 0-31 free
pattern3 0-31 free

Caution: If ClassiX has been used without security guidelines (or only with an empty guideline), the respective user has implicit access to all classes. If a CX_SECURITY_OPTIONS object is then logged in as first security policy, ClassiX will report an error because the access to the class is missing. For this to work, a CX_CLASS_SECURITY policy that allows access to all classes must first be inserted.

Code example:

CreatePersObject(CX_SECURITY_OPTIONS) -> securityObject

Checkbox(CX_SECURITY_OPTIONS::MonitorWindow(),   150, 4, 220)
Checkbox(CX_SECURITY_OPTIONS::ApplyUserRights(), 150, 14, 220)

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
MonitorWindow * for bit 0 of pattern1
ApplyUserRights * for bit 1 of pattern1
Register Registering a security object
INTEGERCX_BIT_PATTERNReturns the class access for a specific class.
INTEGERTRUE/FALSETest whether message is allowed or blocked
OBJECT, STRINGCX_BIT_PATTERNReturns the object access for a specific object (+ path).
INTEGERTRUE/FALSETest whether option is allowed or blocked.

* MA = Member Access Function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
pattern1 INTEGER 32-bits for any options
pattern2 INTEGER 32-bits for any options
pattern3 INTEGER 32-bits for any options
name STRING any name

* I = Indexable data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description